Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Home Again

I will probably post a bunch of blogs because if I write it all in one, it will take you 3 days to read.

First things first, we're back in Colorado! We've only been here about a week and a half, and slowly it's starting to feel like home again. I've been trying to be patient as there really is no rush, but our house is still a disaster area. Jason always preaches to me "there's no rush" and my favorite, "just relax". So, I'm doing my best to bite my tongue and try not to want to get everythingdonerightnow like the old Stephanie would.

We literally moved in for a second time. This time was probably worse because we were coming home to a house full of stuff, and we brought 1300 lbs of more STUFF to fit in here too. Needless to say, we've already taken a trip to Goodwill. Don't tell my mother. There is another heap in the Living Room just waiting to go as well. Don't tell my mother.

We are simultaneously creating a nursery for Cooper. We've done a little bit each night, and it is nice to be able to put this together with my husband. But because of this, there have been a lot of big expenditures as of late, and that just adds to the stress. You know what else stresses me out? Putting holes in the wall. To hang pictures, shelves, curtain rods, anything. All I can think about is how we're going to have to spackle and fill them all before we leave, or whatever it is you do to holes in walls. I suppose that's not a bad skill to learn with a little boy growing up. Anything for my sweet baby boy!

Speaking of which, getting anything done with a baby around is damn near impossible. I feel terrible for laying him on his play mat for too long, because I'm sure he's getting bored with that thing. But, I'm managing. I'm learning a little about what it's like to be a stay at home mom, because right now, that's what I am. The feelings that come along with it, are new. The "I promise I got out of bed and showered today even thought it looks like I did nothing" feelings. Or the "I've been trying to do stuff all day, and now you're sitting on the couch watching TV doing nothing?!" feelings.

I've already been up to work, they're supposedly creating a PRN position for me, and that's really exciting. I will probably get to jump through all the governmental hoops again before I'm able to start, though.

I've been to two Fit Mom classes on post, TWO! I'm on a roll. Ha. No, I was hurting. Completely out of breath from walking and pushing a stroller. That's it. I mean, there were hills so I'll give myself a little credit, and we are at 6,000 feet. But, I'm still getting winded going up and down the stairs. No excuses.

I went to IKEA last weekend. Big mistake. First off, I shouldn't have gone on the weekend. Second off, I should not have gone alone with Cooper. He was great, but the logistics of it all was just a nightmare. I insisted that Jason stay home and go play golf since that's what he'd been wanting to do since I showed up at the airport with his golf clubs in a new golf bag. I didn't know shopping carts weren't allowed in the show room due to high volumes of people. Mistake number one. Oh well, I didn't bring his stroller because then I wouldn't have room for anything in the car, so I had him in his car seat in a shopping cart. I was getting the evil eye from every other person in there. I quickly tried to make my way through their maze and noticed I was probably the only idiot there alone. I finally got to where you start putting stuff in your cart (and where its allowed to have a cart) and you should've seen how long it took me to pick each item. I stood in front of the curtains mulling over two different patterns for about 20 minutes. I'd walk around and look at the curtain rods, and then back to the two different curtains. All I kept hearing was Jason saying "just pick one, they're both fine, just pick one!" (Which is why I insisted he stay home.) Same thing at the shelving. I walked through their aisles at least 5 times. Then to the baskets. Do I get four of the same kind, or two different colors, or different textures? Then when I came to the end and realized I'd missed something on my list,  I about died. It was all the way back upstairs in the show room. I was not about to maneuver the now full shopping cart all the way back up there against the flow of traffic. So at this point, Cooper has been an angel baby and slept the whole time. I wheeled the full cart in to the bathroom (probably a no no) and changed him. I tried to put him in the Moby to eat so I could finish shopping but that was too ambitious. Stuff was falling out of and off of the cart, and here I am with a now screaming baby because he's hungry. I just plopped in the middle of the self service furniture area on one of their display couches and fed him. I was so over it by then, but I at least had a moment to collect my thoughts and figure out a plan. After he was done, I paid for everything in my cart, took it to the car, and put him in the Moby. I went back in for round two. Found the things on my list I missed in the beginning, and went to get the furniture. They only had one of the items I wanted in stock, of course. So by the time we left, it was about a 5 hour IKEA trip. I will never, ever go there alone again. And I do not recommend it to anyone.

So this has been the gist of our first week and a half back in Colorado. On to the next post...

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