Friday, June 12, 2009

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Remember this show? Animaniacs? I used to know the entire theme song.

Anyway: My news!

I PASSED MY STATE BOARDS! (huge scary test)
RN, BSN to be exact ;)

Holy Crap! Do they realize what they've done?!

Now for the job..........

Monday, June 8, 2009

He's home!!

I seriously can't get enough of him! When he walked off the plane, I didn't recognize him. We've been webcamming for so long - but it just didn't do him justice I guess. He didn't have his uniform on either, so it wasn't as easy to spot him. He has gotten huge. And not in a bad way! I guess that's what 3+ hours at the gym every day will do - and so we spent yesterday getting him all bigger clothes. Bummer, but you gotta do what you gotta do I guess :D

His hair is also long, and abundant. Ha. I've been watching him grow it out for a while now. He plays with it a lot, but again, the webcam didn't do it justice. I can't believe how long it is. When he's not in uniform - you'd never know he's in the Army. Except for that little tattoo on is right arm ;)

He's gone now - doing things I'm not supposed to know about I sucks! We've been apart for like 2 whole hours! haha, I suppose I'll survive. But here I sit, blogging, instead of studying for my big lisencure test like I'm supposed to be doing...


We're so in love, it's ridiculous. Yes, yes, people judge, but we have learned to just not care. Only we know the power of what we have together.

It's just so right.