Friday, April 11, 2014

thumbs up

Oh my, it's been so long!

I decided I needed to write this down, since this is becoming my baby book of sorts.

The past three days, I have done nothing but look at my son in awe of how fast he has grown and just how smart he is. It is incredible. I can barely put it in to words, but I will try.

For example, Jason informed me that they were grocery shopping, and he pointed out the pitas. Why would he even know what a pita is?! We never say that word, or have taught it to him. Insane.

He absorbs everything.
"Mommy has to do the dishes, bubby."
"Alright, I do dishes."
And he proceeds to pretend do his dishes in his kitchen. With a sponge and all.
What?! You do pretend play now?! You know what that IS?! How?!

And then, to top it off, he starts singing "Let it gooo…" from the movie Frozen. Which we've only seen twice. The first time was his first movie theater experience, probably a little too young, because we spent most of it going up and down the stairs, so how did he even remember that song!?

Tonight, while in the bath, he sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". I never sing that song. They must sing it at school. But geez. Blow me away again why don't you, son.

To all of you who are not parents and reading this, I'm sure you think I'm insane. I'm one of those crazy moms who is obsessed with her child. Maybe I am. Because I'm pretty sure he's the most amazing thing ever put on this planet.

And to think, I have another 'most amazing thing ever put on this planet' growing inside of me right now!

Just his personality, you guys, is out of control. Now we get the huge sighs and he throws his hands up…"Alllllllright" when asked to do something. Unbelievably cute. And we never do or say that. So insane how they form their own little teeny tiny personalities! He's only TWO! Two years of life, and there is so much character and charisma inside of his little tiny body!

He has OPINIONS! How can someone who has only been on this earth for two years have opinions? Someone who was helpless just a year ago?!

"Build Snowman on your phone, Mommy!"
(Mommy translates)
"You want to listen to the Snowman song on Mommy's phone?"
"Where did Anna go, Mommy? Anna go bye-bye?"
"I guess so."
"Let it go on phone, Mommy!" "Let it goooooooooo"

And at 0550 when we're getting ready for school on work days -
"No Mommy, I don't want ittttt" (Whining. Not my favorite character trait. But a very strong voice of opinion.)

And then -

"Call Mom Mom?"
"I'm coloring purple Mom Mom, see?" (As he moves the phone so she can see while they FaceTime.
Two year olds FaceTime. What?

I watch him walk around with very specific purpose. Answering our questions appropriately, and playing with such intent. I can't handle it. I beam on the inside, and sometimes on the outside too, because I just can't help but be so incredibly proud of how SMART he is!

He is so interactive, too. "Play cars, Mommy?" (Mommy strongly dislikes playing cars. It is not in her nature to want to play cars. Nor does she have the sound effects that apparently boys are born with.) "Ok bubby, let's play cars" "Here you go, Mommy, you play with this car."

Ugh, so considerate. So, so polite. I can't get enough. I want to live in these moments forever. When he's so little, and still looks at me with such love and adoration. I never want him to grow up and get married. The pure and genuine love in his eyes for his mom and dad at this time in his life, is incredible. My cup overflows!

Yes, more often than not, our days are difficult. They are laced with bribery which I can't say I'm proud of, but if it gets him to eat dinner, then so be it. Or gets him out of the tub without a fit, OK. Or gets him in his car seat without a wrestling match, I'm ok with that too.

On the days I'm exhausted, and want nothing more than for it to be bedtime, I hope I can remember these sweet blonde curls and thumb sucking snuggles won't last forever.

No matter how old he gets, who he marries, and where he ends up, I think I'll always see my baby, beaming at me from the bathtub as he sings twinkle twinkle…

1 comment:

Whitney Pastell said...

oh this made me cry. A happy cry, that only Moms know how to have over their child. I have always read your blog, starting from years and years ago. This is probably my favorite!