Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I think they say the skin is the largest organ in (or on) the body.

I say, it's freaking gross.

Who ever knew that not showering for upwards of a month would be so foul. haha, ok I guess that makes no sense - but when you're laying in bed all day and all night, how horrible could it get right? Pretty horrible. It's just the scabs. Ugh, I can't type the sound it makes me want to make. When we change his clothes you can just see the skin flakes floating in the air. I literally swept up a pile of scabs off the floor today. I love my husband, but I can't WAIT to get him in the shower with a giant loofah.

Today, he got all the visible sutures out! From his 'residual limb' and left bicep. He was pretty excited about that. He got to see his left leg too since they unwrapped it to show the doctors. Not as gnarly as we were expecting, but there will definitely be a nice scar. Same with his bicep. It's funny, actually, he looks more ripped (not literally) in his left arm now - because half that bicep is missing. If that makes any sense. I took a picture of it - now we just need to get the other one looking that way :) He and I have the body type that is we'll never be ripped. I know some people say everyone can look that way, but I don't believe it. We just have the body type where we're just big boned I guess, or 'thick' some would say. It's a bummer, and an even bigger bummer for this baby! I hope he doesn't get those genes.

I had another runaround today. It was fun. I went over to the infamous building 62 this morning - and by morning I mean 12:30 when I finally go out of bed. So of course, everyone was at lunch. I tell them I need to fill out a leave form because I'm planning to go home this weekend. As I'm filling it out and reading, it says you have to check out of your hotel room. What. Anyone who knows me, knows I overpack anyway. And anyone who knows my mom knows she brings enough crap everywhere she goes, to feed and supply an Army, no pun intended. So needless to say, I've literally moved in to this hotel room over the past two and a half weeks. I do NOT want to pack up everything and move out for 3 days at home. So, since my patience level is already at zero, the tears start flowing again. I have a problem. I can't control my emotions when I really should. They're just doing their job, it's not their fault. But instead I become completely irrational and start crying, and just shut down. So I tell him to just forget it, I won't go home. I see the finance guy who fills out the 15 day voucher and proceeds to tell me that if I do decide to go on leave he needs to know 24 hours in advance. Oh, good, another thing I didn't know. So I'm sitting in the lobby waiting to see another person about something else (going on 2 hours of being here now) and the supervisor sees that I'm livid (because along with my emotions, I definitely cannot control my body language). She's asking about the customer service, which is fine, I'm just pissed at the system I tell her. She makes some phone calls and comes back and tells me I do not have to check out of the room, and if there is a problem she gave me a number to call. Next time, I will just go home and not tell anyone, and that's that. So now, I fill out another leave form, and now have to get another travel voucher since I will be on leave, they won't pay me per diem for those days. Ugh. And I have to sign back in when I get back which will be on a Sunday so no one will be there. So I have to go back on Monday to sign in and get another travel voucher, and then on Wednesday to get new orders, and then next week to get another travel voucher again.

And, I'll have to continue to do all this as long as we're living in that infamous building 62. Which won't be as terrible because it's in the same building, but come on. The system is absolutely asinine. I just can't wrap my head around them requiring the already stressed to the max family members to remember and take care of this stuff so often. It is absolute bullshit and I'm about to find a congressman or someone to write to. I can't be his 'non medical attendant' if you're requiring me to sit in your office every other day to fill out stupid paperwork instead of tending to him!

Jason isn't surprised by this, in fact, he's used to it. But he knows I'm at my limit here, and quite frankly, I think he's excited for me to leave for a few days. Ha.

So then the supervisor calls the lady from SFAC who then calls me and asks if I'm ok about eighty times. Annoying. She says "Well I got a phone call from whoever at building 62 and she said you were really upset." Great. I need help, I get that, but I don't need you guys checking up on me every five seconds because you're not giving me the kind of help I need. I need for this system to change. And that will never happen.

Oh, and our social worker is being transferred, and I actually liked her. One more thing. I wish Obama would just spend a day in my shoes with me - oh man, I would love for that man to witness this bullshit. But I'm sure he'd have some wonderful response in which he actually says nothing at all for the reasons why things are the way they are. Sorry. I'm not political at all - and it's nothing against him - I just want the President to witness what his people are going through while they make all these executive decisions up there in their leather chairs. Hope that doesn't spark any controversy.

The weather will probably be the same tomorrow, but hopefully my attitude will be a little better...

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