In your first year, you have learned how to sleep through the night, breastfeed, suck your thumb, crawl, stand, walk while holding on to things, dance, clap, talk, sign, feed yourself, play peek-a-boo, smile, laugh, cry, and give mommy hugs. You are so smart. You have likes and dislikes now, and a major dislike is vegetables these days. You still love applesauce and yogurt, and those are the only things you allow to be spoon fed to you. Everything else you must pick up and put in your mouth yourself. You were born in Maryland, and have visited Virginia many times, also England, Texas, North Carolina, and Colorado.
If we say "Where's Cooper?" You put one hand over one eye and smile. You also do the same while you're nursing.
If there's music on, you wiggle, dance, laugh, and clap. You use measuring cups as drumsticks and beat on everything to hear the sounds. I'm sure you will be musically inclined.
You love to throw toys, go pick them up, and throw them again.
In and out, in and out. Mom Mom always says it's a Piaget developmental stage, and you sure do love doing it. Put it in. Take it out. Over and over again.
You've mastered the sippy cup, and are so busy throughout the day, you really don't like drinking milk from the cup or bottle anymore, just mom, when she's home. Daddy manages to get that milk in you though because he stays home with you most days, and you love to wrestle together.
You love to play with Sadie's toys too. Sometimes you try to give them to her, but she doesn't quite understand that you're helping her out yet. She thinks you want to play and starts jumping up and down and racing around the room when you crawl towards her with one of her toys.
You understand the word "No" but also are testing your limits. You know when you're somewhere you're not supposed to be, or playing with something you shouldn't be because you look at us with a very sly grin and wait to see what we will do. Saying no doesn't stop you in the least. It's when we move you or take away whatever it is, that the temper flares.
You continue to love bath time. No matter your mood, a bath always leaves you smiling and laughing. You love to splash and eat the bubbles.
You still have only 6 teeth. I've been waiting for those other two bottom two to break through, but still no luck. You are able to chew everything we give you just fine though.
When we give you a new food to try, you usually give it a few chews, and give us the yuck face and stick your tongue out until all the yucky food falls off. After a few tries, sometimes you'll eat it, other times you'll continue to refuse.

After cake, we opened presents, and you were so excited to play with all your new toys, but still enjoyed the tissue paper just a little bit more.
You slept the whole way home, and I hope you had sweet dreams. We tried to give you the best birthday we could, and we will always strive to do that.
My sweet one year old, mommy loves you so much. You bring joy to my heart every single day, and I often catch myself staring at this sweet boy we created in awe. Thank you for the most wonderful year of our lives to date. We can't wait to see how you grow and learn this year!
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