It's been a little while since I've posted. I've been home on Christmas break and the internet here is worthless. We are currently trying to feed off our neighbors signal in order to get wireless here - but it doesn't work so well. I have to sit in a certain place in the dining room. These chairs get hard after a while, and I miss being able to sit on the couch and watch TV while cruising the net - sad, I know. And yes, our neighbors know we do this.
Anyhow, so far, the break has been wonderful. I've been very busy, and I love it! Although, it does make the month long break fly by. I finished off my third semester of Nursing School with some pretty kick-ass grades if I do say so myself!
Let's see - I've worked a couple days, they only let me work one day a week (boo) but that's okay because I'd rather not be working my entire last Christmas break. But the money is nice.
My old digital camera broke right before Christmas break. And by old, I mean 2 years. I was very upset, but I know it was becoming outdated quickly anyway. And so, I got a new one in the mail when I got home ;) That Santa, he does get around! And let me tell you, it's the best camera I've ever experienced. All the pictures following are taken with it. The only problem I've experienced so far, is with uploading and viewing videos - some codec problem. I'll let Jason figure that one out.
I worked with Jess at 4-H camp for a couple summers, and I finally made my way down to Richmond to see her new and beautifully decorated house. And of course to pretend like I had my own baby Ellie for a day!
We celebrated my Daddy's something birthday. I can never remember how old he is. But I still love him!
My old roommate, Melissa had a Christmas Party last Saturday which I went to. She lives in Arlington, so I had a nice little road trip and some great quality time was spent! Oh, and Box came too :)

Then mom had her annual Christmas Party last night, and it was fun watching all the old people enjoy themselves doing such simple things. She loves to make everyone sing Christmas carols. I think it's hideous, and I kept thinking to myself "man, if I ever do shit like this and think it's actually fun..." But they had a good time on their Kazoos (yeah, she got kazoos) - I drank lots of wine.
Today we made Christmas cookies - a ton of them. All my neighbors came over, and a few others. We went at it for a good 3 hours. I was very proud of all the colorful icing I made :)
Tomorrow is Christmas - yay! Then I'll head up to Springfield to see Chris and Melissa Parkers' new house, and celebrate the "void between Christmas and New Years" with a lot of great friends I haven't seen in quite a while!
Then we'll head to Vermont on Monday to see my Uncle and cousins for the week. We'll spend New Year's up there - because, let's face it - I couldn't handle another Brock's New Years!
Jason is still in Iraq and doing fine. He's tired, and misses home a lot. He's gotten a ton of Christmas packages though, and he's saved all our wrapped presents to open on Christmas. He's excited for that I think. We sent him a Christmas tree and some lights to help boost morale, which I think was successful. And from what I hear, after 2009 hits, it's the downward slide for them - so they're excited about that. We're expecting him home around April or May we think. But we really have no idea.

And I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!
1 comment:
That's The America I'm missing so much.. ILY
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